
Death of a Gunfighter - New York Times movie review, May 10 1969

New York Times Movie Review

Death of a Gunfighter (1969)

Screen: Tough Western:'Death of a Gunfighter' Stars Widmark

Published: May 10, 1969

THERE are several unanswered questions in "Death of a Gunfighter," the hard-bitten Western that Universal opened yesterday at Loew's State and Loew's Orpheum.
The paramount question is why would any man doggedly hang on to a sheriff's badge for 20 years in a hamlet that despises him, does everything to thwart him, and seems bent on shooting him down?
In fact, were not Richard Widmark such a splendid actor in this singularly thankless role, this duty drama would almost be a farce. Another question is why a community of such mean, despicable hypocrites, who also hate each other, would have permitted a Negro woman to operate a bawdy house in the center of the town.
This is Lena Horne, co-starring with Mr. Widmark in her first dramatic role and first movie in 12 years. She has little to do, as his mistress, beyond looking tense and sympathetic. She does it well.
The picture is well-performed by the supporting cast—among them John Saxon, Michael McGreevey. Darleen Carr, Kent Smith and Larry Gates—and the film has been sharply directed by Allen Smithee and well-constructed by the scenarist, Joseph Calvelli.
This is one cow town on the screen that really looks it—hot and dusty in the glaring sun. But even more wilting are the murderous glares aimed at Mr. Widmark after he kills in self-defense and the town gangs up on him.
Again, why? At one point, the meanest culprit of all calls Mr. Widmark "the town conscience, who knows every dirty secret and truth about us all." But what secrets, what truths? One, at least, involving Mr. Smith, as the local newspaper editor, does finally emerge. The mounting tension is well-spun. Using the color camera graphically, Mr. Smithee has an adroit facility for scanning faces and extracting sharp background detail.
But the general tone, and point — festering hatred — is simply not enough to make the picture matter, although Mr. Widmark almost single-handedly does. Tough, laconic, squinty-eyed and moving around deceptively like a tired, middle-aged panther, he gives this characterization a scorching vibrancy.

The Cast
DEATH OF A GUNFIGHTER, screenplay by Joseph Calvelli, based on a novel by Lewis B. Patten; directed by Allen Smithee and produced by Richard E. Lyons; presented by Universal Pictures. At Loew's State 2, Broadway and 45th Street, and Loew's Orpheum, Third Avenue at 86th Street. Running time: 94 minutes.
Frank Patch . . . . . Richard Widmark
Claire Quintana . . . . . Lena Horne
Lou Trinidad . . . . . John Saxon
Dan Joslin . . . . . Michael McGreevey
Hilda Jorgensen . . . . . Darleen Carr
Lester Locke . . . . . Carrol O'Connor
Will Oxley . . . . . Mercer Harris
Andy Oxley . . . . . Kent Smith
Mayor Chester Sayre . . . . . Larry Gates

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